Endo Sapiens 2024 by Domenico Ricucci
Endo Sapiens 2024 by Domenico Ricucci
3rd annual international endodontic forum directed by Dr. Domenico Ricucci
October 4-5, 2024
The next annual endodontic forum Endo Sapiens by Domenico Ricucci will be held on October 4-5, 2024 in Paris, France.
Paris inspires. Home of Endo Sapiens 2024.
Paris is unarguably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the capital of France, Art and Fashion. Paris has many different faces, it's a city rich in culture, art, design, beauty, and history. Whether you are standing in line to see Mona Lisa, trying to take that perfect picture of the Eiffel Tower, searching for the yummiest croissants or just wondering through Montmartre, a trip to Paris must be on everyone's bucket list.

The next Endo Sapiens forum is moving from Barcelona to Paris in 2024. We look very much forward to seeing you there on October 4-5, 2024.
Registration -->
Welcome message from Domenico Ricucci
Founder and Scientific head of the forum
The recent edition of Endo Sapiens 2023 in Barcelona was attended by more than 500 delegates from 54 countries, literally from all over the world! It is with immense pride that I announce the 3rd International endodontic forum Endo Sapiens 2024 which will be held on October 4th and 5th 2024 in Paris, France. It is an honor for me to introduce such an outstanding scientific speakers team: Bruno Azevedo, Frederic Barnett, Mahmoud Torabinejad, Markus Haapasalo, Gilberto Debelian, Daniel Cerny, Jean-Yves Cochet and myself. I look very much forward to welcoming you in Paris this October! Stay tuned!
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Endo Sapiens 2024 will take in the one of the biggest and most famous congress venues of Paris - Les Salons de l'Aveyron located in the fabulous Bercy district.

Bercy district is a an intriguing mix of tradition and innovation, green spaces and cultural venues. It has always been associated with wine. When it was still a rural village outside the city walls, Parisians came to drink cheap, untaxed wine at the many guinguettes along the river. Right next to the congress venue you will find the famous Parc de Bercy. This large park is made up of two sections connected by two arching footbridges. On one side there is a romantic-style garden with a duck pond, and on the other side there are more formal gardens with themed flower beds, labyrinth and mini-vineyard. Century-old trees and cobblestoned lanes that used to transport the wine to the Seine have been preserved to give the park an aged feel, and the old tax collection house has been converted into the Maison de Jardinage.

The exact address of the venue is:
Les Salons de l'Aveyron
17 Rue de l'Aubrac, 75012 Paris, France
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Optional registration
This hands-on course, designed and led by a world-renowned Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist and Endodontist - Bruno Azevedo, dives deep into the art and science of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging with a focus on endodontic applications. The course unfolds the four pillars of CBCT imaging— CBCT Acquisition, Data Correction, Data Navigation, and Data Interpretation—tailored to elevate endodontic practice. Participants will embark on a structured journey from acquiring images with optimum resolution, correcting images to enhance diagnostic quality, learning the intricacies of efficient image navigation, and mastering interpretation skills for precise endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Limited to 15 participants only.
Course date and time:
Morning group: October 3rd. 09:30 - 13:30.
Afternoon group: October 3rd. 14:30 - 18:30.
See the full program here =>
How to make the perfect adhesive build-up.
This is going to be a LIVE-demo by a world renowned specialist in post-endodontic restoration Dr. Daniel Cerny.

State of the art adhesive build-up is a perfect end to the endodontic treatment you just finished. Permanently closing the disinfected root canal system does not require much time and it can be completed with 5 easy steps provided you already have the tooth isolated, you are looking down to the root canal system and you have about 20 extra minutes. In this LIVE-demo, 2 most common situations will be demonstrated live.
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Non-surgical endodontic retreatment.
This is going to be a LIVE-demo by a world renowned specialist in endodontics Dr. Gilberto Debelian.

We will demonstrate some clinical situations that can be useful for your daily endodontic retreatment cases:
  1. How to bypass and treat an intracanal step/ledge
  2. How to treat and repare an apical and lateral perforation
  3. How to remove a separated instrument
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Get-together dinner French style. Friday 8:30pm.
Join us on Friday night for the Endo Sapiens get-together dinner in a traditional French restaurant in the Bercy district called L'AUBERGE AVEYRONNAISE. We'll be drinking delicious French Champagne and tasting traditional French dishes. The focus of the evening will be Fish and Foie gras.

Venue of the party:
40 Rue Gabriel Lamé, Paris, France
Participants from 58 countries
Endo Sapiens 2024 is a truly international forum. We expect participants coming from all around the world. As of today, we have colleagues registered from 58 countries:

Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czechia, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, Ukraine, USA, Venezuela.

The official language of Endo Sapiens 2024 in Paris is English. We will also provide a professional simultaneous translation in French.

Endo Sapiens 2024 team:
Where biology and practice meet
Paris. October 4-5, 2024.
  • Domenico Ricucci
    Cetraro, Italy
    Since 1998 Dr. Ricucci has run his own histology laboratory and his primary research interest relates to pulpal and periapical tissue reactions to caries and treatment procedures, biofilms in endodontic infections, etiology of RTC treatment failure, pulp regeneration / revascularization. Dr. Ricucci has published 112 papers and has lectured both nationally and internationally.
  • Bruno Azevedo
    Philadelphia, USA
    Dr. Azevedo combines the precision of an endodontist with the acumen of an oral and maxillofacial radiologist. He brings over two decades of specialized expertise in CBCT imaging as applied to endodontics. Renowned for his engaging presentations, Dr. Azevedo is a prominent figure in North America's dental 3D imaging discourse, consistently sought after for his insights and expertise.
  • Frederic Barnett
    Philadelphia, USA
    Dr. Barnett is the Chairman of Dental Medicine, and chair and program director of postdoctoral endodontics at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pa. He has also served as the director of postdoctoral endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the Dental Traumatology Journal and is an associate editor of the Journal of Endodontics.
  • Markus Haapasalo
    Vancouver, Canada
    Dr. Haapasalo has authored or co-authored over 250 scientific peer reviewed articles (Thomson Reuters 'all databases'; H-index 63, cited 12.000 times) and written chapters in several international endodontic textbooks. He is Editorial Board member of several scientific journals, and a former editor-in-chief of "Endodontic Topics", and a former associate editor of "Journal of Endodontics". His research laboratory has trained tens of scientists from all over the world.
  • Mahmoud Torabinejad
    San Francisco, USA
    Dr. Torabinejad is president and director of the Endodontic Institute of
    Surgical Education and Research Foundation in Irvine. He is a professor of endodontics and former Director of the advanced specialty education
    program in endodontics at Loma Linda University. Currently, he is professor of endodontics at LLU, research
    professor at the University of Minnesota, Dean's professor of endodontics at the University of Maryland, affiliate professor of endodontics at the University of Washington in Seattle and adjunct professor of endodontics at
    the University of Pacific in San Francisco and University of California in
    San Francisco.
  • Jean-Yves Cochet
    Paris, France
    Dr. Cochet is a visiting professor of the postgraduate program of endodontics at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He is a past president of the French Endodontic Society and has made numerous international presentations on endodontics, traumatology, and endodontic surgery.
  • Daniel Cerny
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Dr. Cerny is co-owner and CEO of the continuing education institute HDVI since 2010. Author/co-author of many articles in dental journals. Co-author of 4 chapters in dental books. Lectures widely both nationally and internationally.
  • Gilberto Debelian
    Oslo, Norway
    Dr. Debelian is an adjunct visiting professor at the post-graduate program in endodontics, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. Dr. Debelian maintains a private practice limited to Endodontics and is the director of the endodontic microscopy center – EndoInn.
Scientific program day 1
October 04, 2024
09:20 - 11:00
09:20 - 11:00
Vital Pulp Therapy: Current and emerging perspectives
Dr. Mahmoud Torabinejad
Within this presentation, the various host defense mechanisms activated by the pulp when enamel and dentin are lost during the carious attack are illustrated. Activation of these pathways results in tertiary dentinogenesis. When the pulp is exposed, the treatment of choice is maintaining its vitality by indirect or direct pulp capping procedures as well as partial or complete pulp chamber pulpotomies. When the pulp dies before complete root development, normal root growth is disrupted, and treatments aimed at inducing regenerative processes have been recommended. The presenter will discuss the pros and cons of vital pulp therapy procedures and regenerative endodontics, as well as current and the emerging materials, clinical protocols and next-generation strategies to promote regenerative processes and improve the outcomes of these treatments for teeth with mature and immature apexes in endodontic practice.
11:30 - 13:15
11:30 - 13:15
Maintaining pulp vitality in teeth with deep caries lesions. From histopathology to clinic.
Dr. Domenico Ricucci
In the presence of a deep caries lesion approximating the pulp chamber, clinicians are often in doubt about preservation or removal of the pulp tissue. Until recently, teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis were root canal treated. In this lecture, the clinical strategies aimed at preserving pulp vitality in teeth with the diagnosis of both reversible and irreversible pulpitis will be discussed. Based on extensive histopathologic and histobacteriologic observations, a new approach is presented, consisting of an intraoperative evaluation-based decision-making. Through the visual observation of the exposed pulp under magnification, it is possible to estimate the localisation of the advancing front of infection, in order to selectively remove the diseased/infected tissue, and protect the uninfected pulp wound with biocompatible and potentially bioactive materials.
14:15 - 16:00
14:15 - 16:00
Enhancing endodontic excellence: navigating the new frontiers of 3D imaging
Dr. Bruno Azevedo
In the dynamic field of endodontics, the rise of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) represents a pivotal shift in our approach to dental diagnostics. This lecture explores the transformative impact of high-resolution, limited field-of-view CBCT, offering endodontists a superior level of detail in assessing tooth structure, root morphology, and both odontogenic and osseous pathologies. It also illustrates the cutting-edge advancements in 3D imaging technology and their practical applications within our specialty. Additionally, the course will illuminate the role of task-specific enhancement filters, providing insights into their optimal use in various clinical scenarios. Participants will emerge from this presentation equipped with the knowledge to harness the full potential of CBCT imaging, thereby elevating the standard of endodontic care.
16:20 – 18:00
16:20 – 18:00
Erbium Lasers for Cleaning and Disinfection of the Root Canal System
Dr. Frederic Barnett
The clinical use of lasers in Endodontics had a rebirth in the late 1990s when new delivery systems, including thin and flexible fibers and endodontic tips, were developed. Today, lasers are used in various endodontic procedures including vital pulp therapy, cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, gingivectomy, ablation of ICR granulation tissue, flap incision, osteotomy, root resection and conditioning/disinfection of the resected apex surface. The mid-infrared Erbium lasers (Er,Cr:YSGG, Er:YAG), whose wavelengths are highly absorbed in water and hydroxyapatite, appear to have the most value in Endodontic treatment. This presentation will review the available evidence on the use of Erbium lasers regarding cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system in routine endodontic treatment. Clinical cases will also be shown.
Scientific program day 2
October 05, 2024
09:20 - 11:00
09:20 - 11:00
Apical root canal, the ultimate challenge
Dr. Markus Haapasalo
This presentation summarizes and details the various challenges that the most apical root canal creates for effective treatment of apical periodontitis. The focus will be on canal anatomy and dimensions, role of instrumentation, conventional irrigation hydrodynamics, smear layer, antimicrobial action, biofilm detachment and/or killing, additional energy sources to aid irrigation, and the role of root filling with sealer. Finally, the risks for technical and biological complications as well as occurrence of extracanal (root surface) biofilms will be discussed.
11:30 - 13:15
11:30 - 13:15
Clinical decision making on post-treatment endodontic disease. Biological and clinical aspects.
+ LIVE demonstration
Dr. Gilberto Debelian
Several follow-up studies today demonstrate an excellent outcome of primary endodontic treatment in over 90% of cases with or without periapical lesions. However, these outcome results are demonstrated to be smaller when cross-sectional studies are taken into consideration, suggesting that a greater number of endodontic treated teeth in the general population are associated with disease (Post-Treatment endodontic disease – PTED). PTED will be predictably controlled leading to periapical healing only if the etiological factors (intra and/or extra-radicular infection) are eliminated or substantially reduced. To achieve this goal, two major therapies are considered: non-surgical retreatment and/or endodontic microsurgical retreatment. The clinical decision making of choosing one or another form of treatment will be depending on several biological and clinical factors that involve the patient's decision and expectations, the tooth involved (e.g. obstacles, posts, broken files, coronal leakages, non-restorable teeth, intra/extra radicular infection etc…) and the operator's clinical skills. The purpose of this presentation is to give an overview of the biological and clinical/technical factors associated with teeth with PTED and how to solve the clinical challenges during endodontic non-surgical retreatment to achieve a successful outcome.
14:15 - 16:00
14:15 - 16:00
Bone preservation and bone regeneration in endodontic surgery
Dr. Jean-Yves Cochét
Endodontic lesions may result in significant bone destruction. Large lesions of endodontic origin usually respond positively to conventional endodontic treatment performed according to high technical standards, with bone regeneration. However, when healing does not occur as expected, a surgical approach must be taken into consideration. In this presentation, a new approach to the management of large endodontic lesions will be discussed, based on a careful use of the CBCT technology, new resorbable membranes, bone grafting materials, piezo-surgery and the so-called "bone window technique". The potential to regenerate the original structures, particularly in the presence of endo-perio lesions, will be highlighted.
16:20 – 18:00
16:20 – 18:00
Post endodontic restoration: the ultimate determinant for long-term tooth survival
+ LIVE demonstration
Dr. Daniel Cerny
In the presence of teeth with severe loss of crown structure and pulp degenerative changes, root canal treatment is to be regarded as just one part of an interdisciplinary treatment. A thorough clinical and radiographic examination should be performed, jointly with the prosthodontist/clinician who will take care of the restoration, and a precise treatment plan should be established before the treatment is initiated. Direct/indirect restoration; cusp coverage; type of build-up; post/no post, are relevant aspect to be meticulously planned and discussed with the patient. This presentation will address these aspects, as well as the most suitable procedures to achieve an ideal and stable adhesion, and an even distribution of occlusal stresses. Participants will be offered a range of solutions to handle different level of tooth structure loss, and execute restorations that prevent crown-apical leakage and mechanical failures.
Partners and exhibitors of Endo Sapiens 2024 in Paris
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Recent Endo Sapiens 2023 in Barcelona
On behalf of Dentoki team, we would like to thank you all for joining us in Barcelona last year at the annual endodontic forum Endo Sapiens 2023 by Domenico Ricucci. The meeting was attended by participants from 54 countries, literally from all over the world! We would like to share with you some unforgettable moments through photos and videos here below. Stay tuned and see you in Paris next time!
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Endo Sapiens 2024 in Paris
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